#SOL16: Footprints



Straight paths to learning this summer . . .

At TCRWP Writing and Reading Institutes

Bookstudies for “Who’s Doing the Work?” and “The Journey is Everything”


Twitter chats

Voxer conversations




Paths to Fun . . .

Time with my son, my daughter-in-law, and my grandson

That infectious laughter

That unquenchable love

That precious 14 month old that pushed the button on the phone to make the zoo animal reappear

Paths that endure . . .

My godparents celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary

Meeting “Slicers” face to face

Hearing stories from authors

Laughing and crying simultaneously

Our journey . . .

Friends continuing to learn together

Friends and colleagues collaborating across the miles . . .

Striving to improve

To meet previously unmet needs

To grow

To learn

To respect all

As a teacher, coach and colleague, how do I live these?

How do those around me know that these are important?

mindset stances mraz and hertz

Back to learning

Two days of Student-Centered Coaching

Prepping for Professional Development


Considering Possibilities,

Studying where I have been . . .

Continuous Reflection

What footprints am I leaving?

How do I know?

slice of life 2016

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, Lisa, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here. 

What footprints will you be leaving this week?

(Thanks Kristi and Christine for the infographic from A Mindset for Learning:  Teaching the Traits of Joyful, Independent Growth!)

30 responses

  1. What a lovely, thoughtful post, Fran! I love your format. “The Journey is Everything” is one of my favourite reads of the summer so far and now you have me seriously considering “Who’s Doing the Work?” In Canada, we don’t start school until Sept 6th, so I still have time to consider it. It sounds like you are well on your way to another fabulous year filled with growth.

    1. Thanks, Stefanie! The Journey is Everything is such an amazing book! Check out the conversations from Twitter/recaps here http://literacylenses.com/2016/06/whos-doing-the-work-saying-less-so-readers-can-do-more-in-read-aloud/

  2. What a great post, Fran! I enjoyed reading about your footprints. Your post caused me to stop and think about my path and the footprints I am leaving. ~amy

    1. It was such an interesting post . . . not what I had originally planned so I was also interested in where my prints had taken me!

  3. Summer is almost as busy at the school year, but it feels so great to set our own pace! Sounds like you’ve been busy for sure!

    1. Love my summer fun and LEARNING!

  4. You’ve certainly had a rich summer! We still have weeks to go before we head back but I know they’ll pass swiftly. Your post reminds me to make the most of these unscheduled days, both personally and professionally, and to make deliberate choices about how to spend this gift of time.

    1. Making deliberate choices is so critical in the summer – Time is precious (just like during the school year)!

  5. Love the structure of your slice. Love the reflective questions, especially, How do I know? That question is lingering with me… Thanks for sharing!

    On a different note, I got my August assignment at TCRWP:
    Advanced AM Section
    Using Learning Progressions and Performance Assessments to Increase Students’ Skills and Independence (3-5) Kelly Boland Hohne

    Advanced PM Section
    Falling in Love with Close Reading of Nonfiction (and Learning Transferable Skills) (4-8) Kate Roberts

    Super excited for August 8th!! I look forward to sharing my learning with you in return for all you shared in July!! Have a good start back at school!

    1. OMG, Sally! Kelly and Kate! I can’t wait to hear about your learning. You will have a fabulous week!!!

  6. Great post, Fran. It made me stop and think what footprints am I leaving on my path, and where do my footprints lead?

    1. So much to think about . . .

  7. What an amazing journey, Fran. Each path is exciting and stimulating in its own way. Enjoy your journeys.

    1. So many paths. . . and I’m eagerly awaiting to see where your African journey takes you!

  8. Fran, Thanks for reminding me to engage in the journey. It is so easy to get stuck in a routine and not engage. Your courage to travel and wonder inspires me!

    1. I so love to learn . . .learning with joy is even better! Sharing my joy and learning is the best way I know to maintain my own level of excitement!

  9. It’s hard to believe that summer is halfway over. Yikes! You’ve been doing so much smart thinking and incredible work. I’m glad you’ve also taken time to just be with your family this month too!

    1. Next Monday, I’m back to work full time! I hated missing you all at ILA but . . . 🙂

      1. You were enjoying family time. There will be many other conferences!

  10. At first I though your post was going to be commiserating about getting back to the work routine. Totally not- such a nice reflective piece! It makes me want to look back on my summer and my path with love and appreciation, and look ahead with calm and dedication.

    1. Thanks, Fran! I’m excited about putting new learning into action but also have to spend some time deciding what must be removed as well as what must be added! ❤

      Love your use of appreciation and dedication!!!

  11. I never really think about the footprints i am leaving. Your post gives me pause. I appreciated the delineation of categories here. I ma wondering if we don’t rewalk/trace ver our prints at times too.

    1. Good points, Mary Ann. I wonder if our footprints fit alongside themselves at some point in time . . .

  12. I always love your reflective questions and today’s really had me thinking! It was a highlight of my summer meeting you in person. I write about mentors and certainly count you as one.

    1. Erika.
      You are absolutely one of my mentors as well and I so love that our continued slicing deepens both our learning and our friendship!

  13. I love this idea of footprints. Big and small. It is a pleasure to walk alongside you with your posts. Thank you for leading a learning and writing life.

  14. Loved following your summer paths through this footprint post, especially the paths to fun. As a new grandma, I’m loving that path! Thanks for sharing all the ways you’ve been learning and thinking this summer.

    1. You are welcome, Ramona. It’s so fun to be a grandma, and I fear that it won’t be long before he knows more than me! It’s so fun to follow a curious child!!!

  15. […] Planning has been on my mind lately and actually has been my blog topic the last two posts here and here. […]

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