#SOLSC17: Currently

(This format has been one of my favorites each year of the March Slice of Life Story Challenge.)


Waiting impatiently for my coffee to brew.

Rejoicing in the silence.

Peering out the window for an indicator of today’s weather.

Chatting with Mya as she rubs her nose against my leg.

Mentally checking my list to see if I REALLY have everything planned for today’s PD.

Remembering that printing is required for my PD on the next two days.

Absorbing the heat from my coffee cup with both hands.

Checking my work bag to see if my handouts are there.

Studying my “Words with Friends” boards for possible “next steps”.

Sifting mentally through ideas for today’s slice.

Rejecting complicated topics.

Searching through previous slices.

Recording ideas as fast as I can type.

Previewing my post.

Rereading to see if the post makes sense!

Pushing the publish button for today!

What are you doing, currently?

Bonus for the Reader:

Previous “Currently” posts can be found here, here, and in the classroom here.

slice of life

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Lisa, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum and the #SOLSC that runs from March 1 to the 31st. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here. 


30 responses

  1. Currently reading your slice, Fran. I love it. It sounds like the workings of my mind as I plan my day (though, truth be told, being retired, my planning is unstructured and all over the place most days). Hope your PD goes well!

    1. Thanks, Diane!
      As I said, it’s one of my absolute favorites with so much potential for stuck writers!

      And I understand unstructured planning – some days that is my preference! ❤

  2. Thank you for reminding me of this fun format! I hope your PD goes well.

    1. Erin,
      You are welcome!
      It’s a big PD week – four days of presenting . . . 🙂

  3. I love “Currently” too and already taught it to my third grade slicers. The cool thing is that it is always new and interesting. Hope the day goes well!

    1. Erika,
      I am so glad that your slicers know “Currently”. And yes, “it is always new and interesting” and just by choosing a different time of day, you can totally change the results!

      Wishing you a fabulous week! 🙂

  4. Fran, I would like to also wish you luck on your PD. As someone who provides PD, I know that “mental list” quite well. Seems like you can never go over it too many times! All the best to you– let us know how it goes!

    1. Lanny,
      Thanks for the good luck wishes. There’s always something so flexibility is my key!
      Have a great day as well!

  5. A great way to write a slice – the theme “Currently” is a very good one! I think I am going right to my notebook to try it out for tomorrow’s slice or one later this week. Thanks, Fran!

    1. Thanks, Lynne!
      As I said, it’s one of my favorites! I can’t wait to see how it works for you!

  6. I enjoyed reading this! I seem to think in verbs so this really worked for me. I will keep it as a format to teach my students. Thanks

    1. Juliette,
      I love the actions in the verbs so it’s just a Win/Win for me when I use it because I can “feel” more productive!

  7. This really is a great format, Fran. Something I am going to try when I hit a slump, as I know I will, during the month.

    1. Bob,
      I call this my “back up” for when life gets beyond my control. I was anxiousing about the rest of my life today so it was the perfect “quick slice” – done in 20 minutes! ❤

  8. I was thinking about doing a “Currently” slice today, too and now that I’ve read yours, I’m thinking I’ll DEFINITELY do it!! Thanks for teaching me this format last year and again now 🙂

    1. Anne,
      I’ve read a couple of your slices (love revisiting a bit of France after 3 years of HS French). So excited to see you slicing AGAIN! 🙂

  9. 6e mars – actuellement/currently | Present Perfect | Reply

    […] Fran McVeigh for the […]

  10. Definitely a fun format–and I can feel the warmth of that coffee cup!

    1. Thanks so much! And tonight since we are under a tornado watch (hail from 1-1.5 inches, I may need a cup AGAIN!

  11. I have this one in my “stuck” file too. I just saw your reply above…that weather is heading our way too. Second week in a row. Stay safe!

    1. Leigh Anne,
      More weather than shows on TV but Mya hasn’t moved off her love seat so “all’s good” for the present!

      I love the versatility of this format!

  12. Currently…glad that I stopped by Fran’s blog, because I needed a reason to smile 🙂

    1. Tara,
      I can’t wait to see which book you wrote about today. Mondays have become EXPENSIVE! LOL!

  13. Thanks for that, Fran. The slices I stockpiled are running out quickly!

    1. It’s so helpful to have some ideas in mind but you can also share a story from your classroom! In kindergarten the ideas for slices are plentiful, Christie! 🙂

  14. I’m putting this format in my pocket for later. Thanks, Fran. Currently, I like the constancy of coffee coursing through your verse.

  15. Great format. I especially connect to the coffee in this.

  16. Love this format, Fran. Perfect for a busy day!

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