#SOLSC17: Two Views of Time

     A Gift of Time

  Time Lost  

I wake up early

I should still be sleeping

I can read or write

I can go back to sleep

I think of slicer topics

I can hear each second pass by

I read

I close my eyes, reflect on my reading . . . sleep now?

I read some more

I stare at the clock, count backwards, close my eyes tighter

I begin to write

I wish I were back asleep

Ideas flow

But sometimes my best ideas are my morning ideas

My spirit says “JOYFUL” with this found time

My body says “tired” and it’s way too early to be awake.

Extra Reading and Writing Time Today!

Starting the day our tired and curmudgeonly!

When faced with polar opposites, which do you choose?

How does your choice impact you?

Reader Information:

This post was inspired by Erika Victor’s Slice “That Happy/Sad Feeling” found here.

slice of life


Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Lisa, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum and the #SOLSC that runs from March 1 to the 31st. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here. 


early morning slicer

21 responses

  1. I love how you formatted this into a poem for two voices. I have a topic I have been playing around with, but I haven’t gotten it right yet. I can’t wait to try your formatting and see if that makes it work. It is all about the mindset. Thanks for the idea!!

    1. Erin,
      One of the things I like best about slicing is borrowing ideas and playing with them. This was literally the conversation in my head.

      And yes, it is all mindset!

  2. The format of this post is absolutely perfect! Life is full of those contrasts and contradictions.

    1. Thanks, Aileen.
      I wonder if I never “slowed down” to listen to these self-conversations in the busy-ness of “doing” or if I just didn’t recognize that there is OFTEN more than one way to view many of life’s moments!

  3. I LOVE borrowing the format and ideas of other slicers, too. I truly love this poem, too, Fran. How we choose to frame things in our lives has such an impact on our experience. This really reminded me of that. I’m borrowing this, too! thanks!!!

    1. Paula,
      You are welcome. I love that this began in an International school in Malaysia and I can’t wait to see where all it ends up!!! 🙂

  4. I love your push and pull here! I can not imagine you as curmudgeonly and hope the morning work time energizes you for the day ahead as I am on my way to bed. We could do a joint “Currently” poem with one of us starting the day and the other ending:)

    1. Erika,
      I am such a morning person but when I don’t have to get up and go somewhere, I sometimes have a hard
      decision to make. Reading and writing slices is TOTAL fun. But then I think I should be WORKING!

      A joint poem would be fun! I’m thinking about the logistics!

  5. Fran, I hear you. The same experience happened to me this morning. Thanks for sharing a new format. Writing is a gift!

    1. Writing is always such a gift. Thanks, Carol!

  6. It’s a gift yo read your words Fran! Polar opposites — how insightful to be aware and choose.

  7. To not to- writing on my phone… not the best!

  8. Sounds like “tired” is an issue for you, too, Fran! I’ve been getting up at 5:30 to slice every morning, and although it’s getting easier, I’m still not a “morning person!” But this writing community is somehow making it more doable. Thanks for your words!

    1. I’m a morning person, but there are days when night and day have run together and I feel like my time has been cut short.

  9. I can’t imagine you curmudgeonly, Fran…somehow I always picture you up and ready to face the day.

    1. Hmmmm. . . Before that first cup of coffee would be close!!

  10. Fran, you have perfectly captured the conversation we all have going on in our heads. After all, isn’t life made of on one choice after another? One on my morning choices is should listen to my body telling me just a few more minutes under the covers or should l listen to the cat mewing and pulling back the covers telling me it is time for breakfast? You can imagine which voice wins.

    1. Bob,
      There’s always this “balance” issue. Balance in everything! And I’m sure the cat wins and I don’t even have a cat!!!

  11. I understand how you feel. I have been going through a bout of not sleeping. I am trying no to worry about it, but… Seem more like a loss than a gain.

    1. Terie,
      I looked up insomnia – I’m not even close. It’s just that when under stress . . . Aye, yi, yi! 🙂

  12. […] is not what I’m thinking of this morning as I contemplate this month good and bad.  Thanks Fran McVeigh for inspiration for this […]

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