#SOLSC17: Friday Morning

15 minutes

Every Friday morning I wish I had just 15 more minutes.

15 more minutes to read or write.

15 more minutes to get organized for the day.

15 more minutes to chat with Mya.

15 more minutes to review lessons for my day.

15 more minutes to talk to the kids in the classroom.

15 more minutes to get organized before the weekend.

Oh…. just 15 more minutes.

What would you do with 15 minutes?

What would you do with that hour by the end of the month?

Or is this your wish for every day?

Reader notes:  Today’s blog post is based on Romeo Lit Coach’s post, “15 More Minutes March 6 #SOL17” here.

slice of life

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Lisa, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum and the #SOLSC that runs from March 1 to the 31st. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here. 


early morning slicer

29 responses

  1. I would love 15 more minutes! I’d spend it reading. I could probably find it if I dropped a bit of time spent on social media. 😉

    1. Lyndsay,
      To0 often I find that my “I don’t have time” means that “I didn’t make the time.” So hard to squeeze in something else. Yet sometimes so necessary! Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. It’s so true! Just 15 more minutes each day adds up. I think I need to wake up 15 minutes earlier each day and make something out of it.

    1. Time is so precious. I enjoyed your post about taxes! Never enough time. Always more wishes. Always more dreams!

  3. Thank for the Shout Out! I love how you add your 15 minutes to Friday- very clever. Wish I had an extra 15 minutes for those things as well. Too bad we are losing 60 minutes on Sunday.

    1. You are so welcome. Imitation is a SINCERE form of flattery and I love collecting new ideas!

      I am so ignoring the time change right now. Just no room for that in my life.

  4. It is not my wish for every day… but often. I don’t think I would do more of anything – I would just slow down a bit all day. Hmmmm – never thought about that before.

    1. Clare,
      I like the idea of slowing down a bit. It’s a family weekend and I want every precious second to go by in “double slow time” . . . ❤

  5. My 15 more minutes would be spent walking. Or maybe reading? Writing? Talking with my husband? I don’t know. Time is so precious.

    1. Thanks, Margaret!
      We don’t know how precious until it is gone. And then it’s tooooooooo late! 🙂

      1. Hugs to you dear friend.

  6. Mmmm, your question is intriguing! Maybe I should remind myself…”Hey, you’ve got 15 minutes today to do whatever you want, so DO it” instead of regretting that I don’t have an extra bit of time. Thanks for helping me to think about reframing that thought!!

    1. Paula,
      It’s always mindset. And Friday is a great day for a reset or reframe!

      Thanks for stopping by, reading and commenting!

  7. Great and thoughtful question, Fran. I’m not sure what I would do with that extra time. It would likely vary from day to day. Right now, I’d use it to write; so much of what I’m trying to express in these blog posts just doesn’t turn out the way I hear it in my head. I’ve reverted to posting some journal entries. I guess I need to “make time” happen for me instead of wishing for more of it.

    1. Diane,
      Using every minute as wisely as possible is the best we can do! Continuing to find a balance between all things – could have, should have, would have – is not easy!

      Thanks for stopping by reading, commenting and thinking with me. I know that feeling when it’s close but YET not quite what i was thinking!

  8. I love the post about an extra fifteen minutes, Fran. We always could use a little more time. This month, I think I would use the extra time to read more slice-of-life posts. I am learning so much from this community!

    1. Lynne,
      I am amazed by the brilliance of this community (and always you and Rose) and the depth of what we can learn from each other. A bit more time to study with the great models would be so wonderful!

  9. 15 more minutes? Easy – I’d add it to my reading time!

    1. I vote for that, Tara. Reading time is so precious.

  10. I think if I had 15 extra minutes I would enjoy just being, not thinking about what I have done or what I need to do. It might sound selfish, but I wouldn’t worry about others and what they want from be. But then, I wouldn’t want to spend time wishing my life away so I would just make each moment that I have count.

    1. Love Tattered, Bob, living in the moment! So important.

  11. 19 comments?! Fran, you must feel SOO loved! And you deserve all the love! 15 minutes, eh? Hmm…well, I would definitely spend it away from a screen. Maybe with a real book? Or my piano? Or my kids? Probably one of those!

    1. Thanks, Lanny! I do feel the love, the warmth, and the great thoughts from everyone!

  12. Isn’t this the truth! I am always wishing for fifteen, ten really would be fine. It would be great if we got a few coupons a year for a few extra minutes! 🙂

    1. Betsy,
      I love the idea of coupons for time! I think I am going to cash in on some of those!

  13. With I5 minutes, I would sit outside and enjoy nature , maybe daydream.
    As we are always rushing around. It would be well spent enjoying some peace.

    1. Love peace and quiet. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  14. I have gotten out of my walking routine, so I would use my extra time for that. But you’re right when you say it isn’t about having time, but making time. It’s all about priorities!

    1. So true, Catherine. It comes down to our choices!

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