#SOL18: Light vs. Dark





Endless Days.

No satellite.

No news.


But such gloomy days.

A meeting.





Info to Study.


One pertinent question.

Brick wall.

Mind made up.

Not going to read.

Not going to listen.

“He’s upstanding.”

Sitting in the front row.

Ready to gag.

NO Representation.

Personal Opinion.

How does this happen?

How do we get so far off course?

The guy in the audience

who interrupts every female except the Senator.

The guy in the audience

who speaks of civility who is one of two least civil present.

The hatred.

The lies.

The term “illegal

The falsehoods.

Town Hall Meeting with my Senator

Followed the Format


Saddened by the vitriol

Disillusioned by neighborhood beliefs.

A wall for Mexico.

The term “illegal”.

And yet, citizenship was just granted

to the First Lady’s parents.


A wall with Ireland?

So many immigrants.

A country

founded by immigrants

for immigrants

for freedom for all

Land and rights




Who are we to judge?   

By whose authority?

On Friday, September 7th, ILA released their “Children’s Rights to Read.” All children everywhere in the world deserve these rights.  No matter their age nor their location.

Screenshot 2018-09-10 at 8.59.00 PM.png

You can read more about these here and here.  Do read the explanations.  Do make these a part of your daily instruction!

Check your practices. How could you use these?

How can I use this?

  1. Personal Reflection of My Values and Instruction:  In the center record the number and the evidence that I have that this is prevalent for the students in my classroom.  Also record wonderings or qualifiers that I add as I think about that evidence. Write a summative statement or paragraph about a goal that I might consider based on the evidence that I find.
  2. Grade Level Reflection of Our Values and Instruction:  After a personal reflection have a grade level discussion.  What are our strengths?  Where do we have the most evidence?  Where is it difficult to collect evidence?  What would we choose to set as a goal?
  3. Building Level Reflection of Our Values and Instruction:  Which statements reflect the reading culture of our school?  Which statements are supported by evidence?  What are our strengths?  What outcomes would we like to strengthen?  Which of these statements do we need to share with all school staff?  Which of these statements do we need to share with our entire community?
  4. With students? Challenge the students to discuss how these look and sound at school, at home, and in the community.  How could they be strengthened?  How could they be enriched?

Which is the light?  Which is the dark? 

Which makes you uncomfortable? 

Which causes you to take action? 

What will you do?

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Kelsey, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum from Two Writing Teachers. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.                                                              slice of life 2016

12 responses

  1. Lots to digest here, so I need to spend time with the ILA resource. Thanks.

    1. It’s going to be helpful in planning for improving reading cultures.

  2. The first part of your SOL really spoke to me, Fran. I’m volunteering with the League of Women Voters these days, helping with voter registration, and also helping our local Democratic candidates. We are living in dark times, but history reminds us that our country has come through darker times…we just have to have faith that our better angels will prevail, yet again.

    1. I’m ready for the angels! To be told “I’m listening” and then to so obviously not be listening was just disheartening. However, also a reason to “double down” on efforts to make a change!

  3. A post that really had me thinking- both nodding my head and shaking it too. Lots to think about here. Thanks for sharing the ILA release- more thinking here and eager to share this!

    1. Erika,
      Two totally different levels of responses . . . and ultimately comprehension. Both dealing with beliefs.

  4. Wow – so much here. My heart is pounding and my hands are shaking as I type. Thank you for sharing this and keeping us all focused. We must continue on and trust change will come.

    1. Clare,
      I’m still just stunned. So closed-minded after loudly professing the opposite! Trusting the future! (but also working for change)

  5. Wow, Fran, this is a powerful post! Thanks so much for sharing the ILA document…always something to learn from you when you write. Thank you!

    1. You ar welcome Lanny! Big day yesterday . . . so much to share!

  6. So powerful! Important questions to think through
    and share. Thank you , Fran.

    1. You are welcome, Julieanne. It was a rough day! Had to let some of it go! ❤

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