#SOLSC20: Day 15

Beginning . . .

Parents and Caregivers

Where should I begin if I am a parent/caregiver and I am thinking about planning for activities with my children while they are on break from school?  Of course it will depend upon their ages, the amount of time to be spent, my goals, and the expectations from school. Here’s an example of a “Task Board” that I might share with parents of primary students. This task board only includes six sources (all hyperlinked if you use the link below the picture) to narrow the focus. If this board was an initial template, the caregivers could then consider the devices that their children would use and type of access:  QR code, link on home page, folder of activities for that child or even some form of a schedule/routine to be collaboratively constructed. And equity especially for access . . . Only one of these choices requires student access to technology and that is the drawing one which would be available on phones.

One idea for beginning conversations . . .

Screenshot 2020-03-14 at 11.40.44 PM

Screenshot 2020-03-14 at 11.36.41 PMLink to download this Parent/Caregivers Elementary Task Board Here.

For additional ideas, you might go back to the resources listed here to add in different links/choices.

Criteria Considered for Students Aged 4-8 (PK-2)

1. Planning for activities at home:

  • Kristi Mraz and Dr. Nathan Lang-Read resources

2. Include choices in inside/outside activities and academic/nonacademic

  • At Home Learning

3. Include art / drawing

  • Draw Every Day (online)

4. Include reading/thinking

  • PBS – Molly of Denali

5. Include writing

  • Lynne Dorfman and TWT

What is your focus?

What criteria would you use to determine your needs at this time?

How will you match children’s needs and your goals?

What would you add to an “Intro” parent/caregiver Task Board? 


Wow, check out Clare Landrigan’s post today – Dear Parents (Link)

And visual family schedule from Katie Muhtaris (Link)

Jarrett Learner:  Finish the Comics (printer needed, (Link)

Mo Willems:  Lunch Doodles (Link)

Over 30 Virtual Field Trips (Link)

Homework – Karen  (Link)

Time for Kids Free Digital Library – Access (Link)

25 Ideas Non-Screen Activities At Home – pobble.com (30 day trial)



Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum in March. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

9 responses

  1. Seems like we are on the same page today … thank you for organizing, promoting and connecting as always!

    1. Clare, your post is so spot on . . . BREATHE! YES!
      Stopping to think is important for all!

  2. Children, adults too, need a structure to their days while trying to cope with the unknowable. These are great resources for parents who want to keep their child’s mind on learning expanding their creativity.

    1. Learning and focus does not mean that flexibility, voice, and choice have to be eliminated. Now is the perfect time to explore passion projects and cooking, art, music, dance and construction can have a place!

  3. Fran, thank you for your resources. I think parents would be interested in finding ways to make their child’s day full of engaging activities. Today, my daughter who lives in VA decided that a morning video chat would help my 2 1/2-year-old granddaughter understand that life will be different now. This week she starts being home with Mommy and her baby almost 3-month-old baby sister.

    1. Carol, life will be different but it doesn’t have to be drudgery. My goal was to provide ideas and choices that would allow kiddos to be engaged,
      and empowered as well as time to envision!

  4. Thank you for these resources. I have a feeling my son will complete all his assignments before the week is done, so it’s good to have back up.

    1. You are welcome! Many choices. I hope your son has time to explore an area that he is passionate about!

  5. […] Day 15 here for thinking about how this could go at home and more […]

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