#SOLSC23: Respectful

It was a typical Friday afternoon at almost 5 pm CT and we were closing out a Slicer Zoom when one of the hosts checked in with, ” Is it ok if I send out your emails to each of you to keep in contact?” After a round of thumbs up, she added, ” And is it ok if I take a screenshot of you all?”

What a model of respect.

What a model of graciousness.

What a model of a thoughtful human being.

The people in the Slicing Community are the best. i knew the two hosts: one in person with multiple encounters IRL and online during personal and professional lifetimes and the second on line. A third person has commented on many of my posts this year and the others were new to me. But no longer.

And before that, I was following my Iowa Hawkeye Women’s BB team in their opening NCAA game. It was going well. I was both relaxed as well as confident that the team was taking care of business on the court.

And before that, I was packing up from two days of quilting retreat. A bit low-key. No overnight stay. Just time in fellowship with other quilters and tie to dedicate to sewing. Putting everything back in its place. Oh, yeah, except for that presser foot that I stuffed into the magnetic pin holder. I’m sure that I’ll have a temporary lapse in memory (Sometimers not ALLtimers forgetful).

And before that, I was sewing. Matching corners right side to right side as I worked on the paperpiecing that will become my grandson’s birthday present (if all goes well).

And before that, I was eating lunch. All was right with the world. I had a short date with Jack the Ripper (seam ripper ) this morning before I made forward progress. I did NOT have a big flashy pile of sewn pieces but I was steadily marking them off my list. It was a mental break that I desperately needed.

And before that. I was admiring the work of the other quilters. So many pieces being joined together. So many terms that I had never heard before I began quilting during the pandemic.

Just a quick glimpse into my day in this “And before that” format/ story structure, also seen here and here.

And in Sally Donnelly’s blogging here last year as well.

How does the “reverse chronology” impact your understanding of the story as a reader and as a writer? What “story” might you tell with this format?

To spark your thinking, a link for a “Before” poem here and “the name before the name before mine” https://www.poetryoutloud.org/poem/the-name-before-the-name-before-mine/ .


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum in March. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

15 responses

  1. I always enjoy this format and enjoyed this window into your day. I would have loved to be in the Zoom, but 4am was just too early for me.

  2. I like the way this format unrolls the day backwards. I wish I had been able to join the slicer zoom and get to see people behind the words. You had a good day.

  3. Love the reverse format, Fran, but especially the glimpses into your day and the zoom meeting with other slicers. This post contains so much of what is important to you.

  4. Reverse Chronology — interesting, from a writing standpoint (some movies — Momento comes to mind — do this quite well, so that the mystery is how the story started) but from a reading perspective, deconstructing a story this way brings to light different nuances.

  5. I think in a previous year I used this form! I would love to do so again! Thanks for sharing, the details within each part really made me feel like I was jumping back in time abruptly but not in a bad way. It reminded me of flashbacks as they are shown on tv!

  6. I love your description of the slicer gathering and the quilters gathering. Fran, you are definitely a person who loves to be busy. I don’t think you have much down time except for sleeping!

  7. This slicers group is really a wonderful community in which to belong. I like this backwards format because instead of building anticipation for what is to come it asks the question, “Do you know what lead to this point?”

  8. I am sorry I missed the Zoom meet up. I have been to a couple and thoroughly enjoyed them. It sounded like yours was as wonderful as the ones I attended.

  9. Fran, yes, those Iowa girls took care of business yesterday! Here’s hoping they do as well tomorrow. Your format for this blog post and links are wonderful! Thank you!

  10. I do so love how this community functions, as a large entity and then in the smaller circles that folks have created within that. I appreciate this “reverse chronology” and the links…I may have to try this one myself!

  11. Fran,
    So glad your spent part of your busy day on my zoom call! And you are correct – the other Fran is so gracious and respectful. And I think I figured out the deadline for your quilt – your grandson’s birthday. Am I right?!! FInally, so glad my suggestion of the Before that format worked for you today. I followed it too!

    1. The Zoom call was perfect timing once I had the updated score, yes to graciousness, yes to May birthday and perfect structure for today! Can’t wait to read yours. Amazing Saturday Institute. Would have loved a F2F chat!

  12. Such a unique structure, Fran. Not only did I learn about your day, I got to know more about you. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Aww, thanks for the shout-out and lovely words, and thanks so much for joining that zoom! I so agree- this slicing community is the best. It nourishes me so much every year. And thank you for your contributions and your special kindness to our newer members, too.

    1. Thank you, Fran, for so many kind and ethically conscious efforts to keep us aware of our obligations to use tech safely. Slicing has opened up my world!

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