#SOLSC24: Maligned

I’m here to set the record straight. If you read the misguided post from yesterday, here, you might be thinking that hens are a problem. As the ghost of hens past, you need to hear the other side of the story straight from a hen’s mouth, ‘er, beak. (It would be pretty hard for me to be a hen alive from decades ago.)

Hens are domestic fowl. (not foul) We have two jobs: lay eggs and protect eggs. That lady yesterday made it sound like we were wild critters, pecking and cackling as we picked on children gathering eggs.

We were merely protecting our eggs as we were supposed to.

Seriously a hen is usually less than 5 pounds. And even a 50-pound child is 10 times our size. And they are afraid of us? That’s ridiculous.

Just leave us alone. We only want to lay our eggs in peace and then protect them from raccoons and other animals that would steal them away.

Don’t believe everything you read. Hens aren’t the villains that some might want you to believe.

When might there be another point of view? Why might we consider “nuances” that aren’t included in a story?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum in March. Check out the writers and readers here.

6 responses

  1. Your posts have me smiling from ear to ear thinking about life from the perspective of fowl! My son has chickens at his home and they follow him around as if he was a “chicken whisperer!” 

  2. Great humor woven in your slice!

  3. Love the hen’s side of the story. Great idea for a children’s book?

    1. Hmm. That’s a thought!

  4. How fun! And what a great writing prompt: the other side of the story. And now I’m thinking of other points of view – the raccoons who just want to eat? A parent who kind of sides with the hens: why is the child so scared? Oh, I could get into this. I wonder what I’ve written this month that could be re-written in this way. What a great slice!

    1. It was fun! Hmm. Maybe a sequel!

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