Slice of Life 11: Challenges

(During March, I am blogging daily as a part of the Slice of Life Story Challenge!)

So life happens to you.

Challenges in life are pretty common and often fit into these descriptors.

1. Problems are inevitable.  If you don’t encounter problems, check your pulse.  Are you alive?

2. Problems are unpredictable.  If you could plan for that flat tire, it would NOT be during a blizzard.

3.  Problems in life come in all sizes and shapes.  You may have a big problem today and three little problems tomorrow.  It varies.

You will be remembered for your response to the challenges that face you!

What is your response to adversity?

A. Do you turtle up?

Pull your head and your legs inside your shell.  Protect yourself by withdrawing inside yourself.  Leave a calm expression on your face while every muscle is itching to “run” somewhere.  .  .  anywhere!

B.  Do you say, “Thank You for this Wonderful Opportunity to show the world what I am made of!”

Hold your head up high.  Make a plan in order to be better prepared for similar events in the future.  Plan to “learn” from this event.  Be thankful that you have your “mistake” for the day and plan for a better rest of the day.

C.  Do you make a list of pros and cons and then carefully consider your actions?

Thoughtful. Considering multiple possibilities. Consulting others.  Allowing emotions to subside so hasty decisions are not made that end up backing someone into a corner.  The ability to ask:  Is this really that big of an issue?  Sure it is annoying, but does it really matter in the bigger scheme of life?

Which response is the most like you?

Your response shows your level of perseverance and endurance and includes:

    • The ability to stay until the purpose is accomplished.
    • The ability to stay under pressure.
    • The ability to keep on keeping on.
    • The ability to hang in there.
What does this look like at home?  at work?  in the world?  What would be the evidence of your perseverance?

Special thanks to the hosts of the Slice of Life Challenge:  StaceyTaraDanaBetsyAnna, and Beth.   More Slice of Life posts can be found at  Two Writing Teachers .

11 responses

  1. I think I stay and work at it…38 years of marriage, it has to be like that. Great post! xo

    1. Thanks for commenting! I wonder about the “stay and work at it” (whether work or life) for the younger generations. Do they have enough models? Enough opportunities to practice a variety of responses?

      More thought required!

  2. Two years ago, my library job was eliminated and I was told I;d be teaching ESL the next year. I cried. A lot. Then I powered through. I’d stop every once and a while to say “Thank you for this opportunity” not because I believed it to be true, but to help me keep going.

    1. Adrienne, Thanks for sharing!
      Sometimes that “self-talk” has to be our biggest help!

      That just reminded me of an “involuntary transfer” on a Friday the 13th when I went from general ed. (4th grade classroom) back to special ed. I was crushed! It was a very long weekend! And yes, lots of tears as well!

  3. I feel like my responses to challenge vary with the type of challenge, emotional, social, family, work etc. and sometimes I go through a few of those reactions you identified until I get to the “let’s just do this” phase. It also seems to matter if I chose the challenge or the challenge chose me! I think I have become a bit more proficient in facing challenges as I’ve lived, experience does help. Still working on it! Thanks for making me think Fran! Great post.

    1. This was complicated and took me longer to write than I expected. Challenges are situational, also vary by both frequency and duration, and then also dependent on “other people” effected!

      Lots of work here as well! Thanks, Julieanne!

  4. Hmmm. Lots of great questions here. For me, it totally depends on the “challenge” what kind of responder I am.

    1. Carol,

      I agree that the response is “challenge dependent!” Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. […] The ability to stay until the purpose is accomplished. […]

  6. […] do I turn challenges to Turning Points (courtesy of Anna Gratz Cockerille) in my story of life?  Do I want to […]

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