#SOL16: To Be a Reader


Traveling to new places

Visiting old places

Making new friends

Visiting old friends

Learning new things

Relearning things left along the way

Collecting words and images

Revisiting great words and images from the past . . .

Each day MUST involve some personal choice

As necessary as the air I breathe!


Something I choose.


For myself.


To grow my thoughts!


To talk about books!


To write about books!


To find worlds to LOVE!

Do you read?

Why do you read?

If you teach readers, you MUST be a reader!

If you teach readers, you must BE a joyous reader!

Check out Donalyn Miller’s Nerdy Book Club post, “Getting on the Bus”, is a powerful read.  Stop, go read it.  Already read it?  Go read it again!  Demonstrate to yourself the power of rereading to confirm knowledge or celebrate the language.

My favorite quote:

teachers who read

Is this you?

If not, why not?

What’s your favorite quote?  How have you shared it?  How would we know?


Tuesday is the day to share a “Slice of Life” with Two Writing Teachers. Thank you, Anna, Betsy, Beth, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, Stacey, and Tara. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here. 

20 responses

  1. Awesome post! I love it! Have you heard of the book “The Thing about Jellyfish?” I haven’t started it yet, but it looks like a really good read for middlegraders. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Lisa!
      No, I have not heard about “The Thing about Jellyfish” – another book for my list! 🙂

      1. I just bought it last night. I plan to read it sometime this weekend.

  2. For me, reading is addictive. I no sooner finish one book when I start going through my stash, my Kindle books, or searching book store shelves for my next read. I can’t imagine not having at least one book going at all times.

    1. I love that ” I can’t imagine not having at least one book going at all times.”

      I can still remember having a book on EVERY device when I was the “driver” for my son in school. I always had a book or two to read while waiting for band, sports, etc.

      SO addictive. AGREED! ❤

  3. My favorite quote from Donalyn’s post was…ALL OF THEM! We MUST be readers to be teachers of reading. Wow. That one just got me, you know? I shared on Facebook and Twitter, and wrote to Donalyn, too, to thank her for her invitation to “get on the bus.”

    1. Jennifer,
      True “ALL OF THEM!”

      Every word was like gold!!! So important to keep our focus and “get on the bus”!

  4. It breaks my heart when a teacher tells me she does not like to read. But I can fake it she says. No you can’t, I think. Kids are smarter than she thinks. I can’t imagine life with out reading.

    1. I so agree. I want to encourage that person to go do something else because you are right – the kids know it.

      I, too, cannot imagine life without reading! ❤

  5. There are so many wonderful things about that Nerdy post. I am still working on my response post to hers. I think it might have to be a series of posts! 🙂

    1. Oh!
      What a great idea!
      A series!
      I started with “say something” . . . that gives me more time to think. I had kids in 12 classrooms today tell me that they loved reading (especially chapter books)! It wasn’t 100%, but what a fabulous day!

  6. Amen…as a reader and a reading teacher: book love is what it’s all about.

    1. Absolutely . . . and the growth we all make together through book love! ❤

  7. This reminder from Donalyn stood out for me: “For the children we serve, we may be their only reading role models.” Of course we should be the best, most joyous readers!

    1. Absolutely! Shouting our love and joy from the mountain tops!

  8. Love your favorite quote and Catherine’s too. I must admit to wondering how Nerdy Book Club folks do it. I am not a fast reader, but I am a reader. I read so much email these days it’s cutting into my PLEASURE reading. Sure enjoyed The Martian over winter break though. AND it was a high point when a teacher friend and colleague came over with her bag full of new picture book read alouds over the break. Thank you for always posing provocative questions and YES! We all gotta get on that READING bus!

    1. I know what you mean about the PLEASURE reading! Such a problem when work interferes!

      Let’s get that READING bus on the road!

  9. I love that a few posts here are about Donalyn’s post. I shared her post on Facebook and somebody told me that I am the “book lovingest” person she knows:) As a result, she and I are planning to write a joint Nerdy Book Club post. One of my students recently posted a wonder on our wonder door: “I wonder what books Ms. Victor will buy next.” I think everyone who meets me knows that I am on the reading bus! I keep the door open to all!

    1. What a great wonder! I can’t say enough about “Be a Friend” – Amazing!

  10. […] recent post To Be a Reader included quotes from Donalyn Miller’s “Getting on the Bus“.  Lanny Ball wrote […]

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