#SOL16: Teacher Appreciation

teacher appreciation

Teacher Appreciation is every day, every week but a special mention is definitely appropriate as the school year winds down!

teacher acrostic.JPG

What characteristics of a teacher are most important for you?

What do you want to “hold onto” this week?

(And for an added bonus, can you name some of the authors / texts that influenced the words and descriptors above?)

slice of life 2016

Thank you, Anna, Betsy, Beth, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, Stacey, and Tara. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.  Thank you for this weekly forum!


30 responses

  1. One of the little boys I tutor, a fourth grader, is planning an essay for a writing assessment he will take on Wednesday. He wanted to write a strong, but potentially controversial thesis, “Mr. ….. , the gym teacher, should be replaced with a new gym teacher.” In helping him reword it, so that he maintained his idea, but didn’t get himself into trouble, I told him to think of the most important thing a gym teacher needs to have. He thought for a bit, then replied….”Kindness. Not just the gym teacher, but any teacher. The most important thing a teacher needs to have is kindness.”

    1. Kindness is so important. C- Caring would have been a possibility. Holding onto ideas for later revisions!

  2. Hmmmm good question… empower… I want to empower children, by giving them the tools and then sitting back to see what they do. Love your R – reflective. Thanks for sharing Fran – Enjoy your week!

    1. You are welcome. Have a great week as well. I love “empower” and am saving that one! Thank YOU!

  3. I especially love the reflective part Fran because I also value learning as a huge important part of teaching. And if I’m not reflective I’m not learning.

    1. Lisa,
      Reflection and learning seem to be two sides of the same coin all the time! Asking the who, what, why type questions concerning impact always seems to move me forward!

  4. rosecappelli | Reply

    What a great poem, Fran, and a wonderful way to honor teachers. The characteristics you have chosen are all important. I think I see the influence of Regie Routman in there?

    1. Rose,
      Thanks so much. And yes, some Regie, some Kim and Jan (Who’s Doing the Work) Mary (Good to Great), and Vicki and Dorothy (What Readers Really Do) and a touch of Tammy and Clare (Assesment in Perspective) although not quite so explicit!!!

  5. I love how these characteristics intertwine and feed off each other.

    1. So interconnected – and I’m already revising in my head . . .

  6. I want to hold on to your poem this week, Fran – perfect!!!

    1. You had some of the best notes from your students yesterday, Tara! So great to hear from many sources that our work is validated!

  7. Love acrostic poems, Fran. I once did one on Middle School Teachers. For me, one important characteristic of teachers is humility. How else can we stand back basking in the accomplishments of our students and not seek to take credit for what they have done.

    1. OOOOH! Love that. I actually thought of “humanity” during drive time as that intersection of kindness, caring. but like humility even better! Absolutely their work! ❤

  8. Same comment I make to Kathleen Sokolowski today…This is a keeper and I wish more people (i.e. non-educators) could see this since it summarizes so well why we are teachers and what our real work is. Nicely done!

    1. Thanks so much! So much work always that we don’t really need “credit” for . . . but the life of a teacher is complicated! ❤

  9. I tryst make an effort to thank my daughter’s teachers often. However, weeks like this one make is possible for me to thank them with little gifts too. They are amazing!

    1. Every day is a good day to thank teachers, but it’s so important to remember thm often!

  10. It’s such a tragedy that educators aren’t treated with respect in the shaping of education. Too bad true learning is still subversive. Maybe things are starting to turn around. What do you think?

    1. Bonnie,
      I think we will have to wait for the election to be over for a return to civility! ❤

  11. I love this! I feel like my kids’ teachers aspire to this every day. 🙂 I feel blessed to be in the district I’m in. Thanks to all our teachers. You really are making a difference!

    1. So many teachers to thank each and every day! 🙂

  12. They are all so important – but I think reflective and endurance are two that strike me today. We need to give it our all every day and may every day count. Thank you for taking the time to help us pause and appreciate teachers.

    1. I loved your post today and have been thinking a lot about pause . . . and reflect. Take a minute in the moment. Take a deep breath and think about what comes next and why! Sometimes you need to go slow in order to go faster later! ❤

  13. Love your post. And love teachers. What a job they have! Whew!

    1. So many folks to thank EVERY day for all they do to keep us safe and help us learn!

  14. Such deft, concise unpacking of those big-ticket acrostic values. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Fran, to mark this day.

    1. You are welcome, Brian. So many important concepts to pack into one word.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting!

  15. I love this, Fran! It’s so important to “focus on the children’s ‘can-dos.” Build them up from their strengths! Thanks so much for being such an advocate for children by sharing your wisdom with us!

    1. You are welcome, Catherine! There’s so much in the world of “can-do” that should be driving our work ALL the time! ❤

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