#SOL21: Writing Relics

Covered in dust,

filled with manila envelopes

Folders of stapled work

Some identified by grade level

Some not.

Size 11 boot box.

Not mine.

But my name in cursive on the top of the box.

With a listing of some of the contents.

A science project.

An A+.

No idea of the criteria.

No idea of the grade level.

20 types of leaves.

All identified.

Was it a family project?

Those 20 trees were not all on our property.


A description

Saran Wrap and Tape

Holding the leaves for decades

And then some art work.

Screen print

Of the shape of the leaf.




Integrating writing into content areas,

Circa 1960s.

What do your examples of writing show as far as a pedagogical / curricular influence? What evidence guides your thinking?


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Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

7 responses

  1. It seems we both as writers went back in time. You with this amazing leave project. Today, kids can type apricot tree in to the search box and instantly see many many images of this tree and its leaves. Yet, I loved seeing your image, touch, pasted, protected on the page so many years ago. As the world keeps changing so fast, I still hope we take time to touch the real leaves of our lives. Thanks for sharing your shoebox find. A treasure!

    1. Sally,
      The apricot tree was one that we climbed often so it’s extra special. So interesting to find “treasures”!

  2. Kathleen Neagle Sokolowski | Reply

    That’s so cool, Fran! I love how the leaves were preserved in time and there was so much interest in the different leaves. Like Sally says- a treasure!

    1. I’m trying to match up the grade level/task. So interesting to find this in the attic.

  3. What a wonderful keepsake from your childhood! I agree with Sally-we need to keep kids outside touching nature.

    1. Margaret,
      I’m not finding lots of artifacts. I think with 6 kids we were encourageed to pare down our resorces.

  4. Relics that prompt memories. Unfortunately, I have nothing from my childhood. I have no idea what happened. I wondering if collecting leaves for class was part of everyone’s childhood. I remember collecting leaves for a project when I was a kid.

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