#SOLSC22: 9

Words Matter

We can choose to be “Word Wizards” as we travel through life.

At NCTE2018 I learned about “zines” and actually created one. We were in a hotel lobby – about 10 of us celebrating the fact that we were gathered together in Houston. Such gatherings seem like faint memories now when they were at least annual gatherings in the past.

From the larger group, to our small group, I again learned the power of whole group and small group structures. Day learning with thousands. Night learning in a small group. A group already defined. Basically a #g2great group.


Where do they come from?

One teacher

Sharing with friends




As we explored

New ideas

and formats.

Thank You, Margaret Simon, for reminding us that we truly are “more than one way” when we gather together!

When you attend a conference, how do you share your learning?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum during the month of March.

Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

12 responses

  1. Such celebration of the gifts we bring to another, as writers, teachers, fellow humans.

    1. We are complex beings with many talents that we share so readily!

  2. What a surprise to pop into your slice and see my name. I remember that special time! Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are such a special gift to every group you are a part of. Calm, trusting, sharing, caring! A treasure!

      1. Aw! You made my day!

  3. Hey! where was I??? Oh Fran, this is a bittersweet post, as I am so hopeful that I will see you in November.

    1. CCIRA reminded me that in person is the best! Yes to November!

      1. It was so much fun seeing you in person at CCIRA – seemed like it had been forever and yet we hadn’t missed a beat! Here’s to November!

  4. One of the best parts of any conference is the small group gatherings where we share what we learned and meet friends we haven’t seen since the last conference.

  5. Ah, what a nice reminder of why in-person learning with colleagues can be so inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I’m always too tired at the end of a day at conference to do much more learning, so I’m impressed with your small group memories. I tend to blog about my experiences, and we share after-thoughts at our district librarians’ meeting. This will be the first year I skip our statewide conference altogether; just not comfortable with mask-optional large gatherings yet.

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